Nov 20, 2015

Longer Tempo Runs for Better Race Results

So, this week I did a 2 X 3 mile Tempo run. You need to do workouts that are specific to the distance you are racing and at the pace you expect to run in that race. You should not run at a pace that you would like to run if it is faster than what you can really do. Does that make sense? Anyway I have never tried doing two back to back 3 mile Tempos runs this way, only two milers, such as 3 X 2 miles.

All day I worried about doing this, could I pull it off? It would be almost like running two 5K races with only a four minute rest between. Turns out it was not as difficult as I thought it would be. I started late in the afternoon and by the time I did my one mile warm-up and got halfway into the first three mile it was getting dark. I use one of those clip-on LED lights for my visor set on strobe and carry a small but powerful LED flashlight for when it’s dark.

By the time I started my second three miles it was completely dark. I have run on this bike path many times but unfortunately both of my lights were getting dim so I had to be extra careful of my steps. This forced me to run a bit slower than I wanted but in the end it was still ok.

The basic rundown of this work out started with a one mile warm-up. For the three mile Tempo I wanted to run at my expected Half Marathon pace of 7:14. The first mile ended up being 7:32, the second at 7:18 and for the last I made it down to 7:13. I jogged slowly for four minutes before beginning the second three miles.

As I began the second half my legs where feeling really sluggish but managed a faster first mile over the first Temp run at 7:26. The second mile was slower because of the darkness but I was able to pick it up during the last half mile as I had more surrounding light so I could see better finishing with a 7:13. I finished this work-out with a one mile cool down.

If you are not doing this type of work-out while preparing for a Half or full Marathon you should start. You greatly improve your endurance and find yourself running faster on race day.

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